Alli Warren
Getting Ready To Have Been Fully Ensconced
I touch the work
the work touches methe backdrop is a fine mesh
through which posses thump and leakicing emerging markets
in which the gathering mound protrudesThis the grammar
in which form comesThis the nature of the transcript
between personsthat terminal moraine
ever attenuating from lap to lapSometimes foghorns reach the city-centre
Sometimes one hundred spondees provide the tools necessaryto utilize a system while maintaining
a case concept not bound by that systemAnd that is the story
of how I earned my purple heartBalled up on the murphy bed
accusing nipples of gold digginglacking the conviction necessary to move
off the unconfused upholsteryGetting ready to have been fully ensconced
They tell you what you need is intake packetsbut I want to tap the gap back
till form and form’s fiancé turn fatbackI’ve been down with men’s frank tearfulness after epic victories
I’ve known a diverted thrust or twoI want a redo
I want the ability to use the weaponThat plump lushness
bending the bitsDear impresario, do it
where the congress can’t reach us