Monica Fauble – series of excerpts from my 6th grade

Monica Fauble

series of excerpts from my 6th grade journal

April 17th, 1989

I heart Jeremy Quellhorst.


April 19th, 1989

It’s not all exciting you know.

It’s the end of the 5th six weeks.  One sort of nerve-wrecking thing if I don’t make Honor
Roll this six weeks I won’t be on the Scholar’s Program and that program means a lot to
me.  Lisa got a positive pirate award again and that makes me mad since I didn’t get a
positive pirate award (Even if Lisa & I already got it once)  Well I gotta go.  Bye. P.S.—
were starting sex ed. in Science.


April 31st, 1989

Lisa invited me to a skating party but I can’t skate and what scares me more is that there
would be boys.

Also my mom doesn’t want me to go because it’s from 7:00-10:00 p.m.

Also I have to say Lisa’s mom was just gonna drop us off and just leave and that’s
another reason I can’t go.

Today we launch our rockets.


May 20th, 1989

Progress Reports!

Here were my grades: Math-A Social Studies-B Science/Health-C! Language Arts-A.

A C.  Oh my gosh a C!  Can you believe it.  I know.  I mean I recently got a D on a Sci/H
test (probably why I got a C) but still.

I am edleast a little disappointed in myself.


May 25th, 1989

When I grow up I want to be a) a model b) a fashion designer c) interior design d) a

I’m not really sure who I’ll marry but I like someone right now & I’m not telling you
who.  OK Well yes I am.

Go to April 17th and look in top corner and you’ll find out but don’t tell a soul.  REALLY

Okay I like him—So what.

He’s cute, has a great sense of humor and he’s nice and sweet.

Well as for cute he’s kind of cute.  You know cute enough.

But he likes some girl named I think it was Amanda.

I also hope the planet will become clean and healthy.  Bye.

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