Margot Douaihy – 9 haikus inspired by martini-nap

Margot Douaihy

9 haikus
inspired by martini-napkin haiku
written in a bar
late at night

1.  uptown 6 milieu:
the deaf girl and her pup leave,
    hassid men file in.

2.  rothko’s wild reds:
a sunrise washes new york,
    kilns oceans of steel

3.  they found a new squid
(undulating fins like wings)
    over 12-feet long.

4.  life isn’t the same
as it always was; nothing
    makes waking less hard.

5.  unintelligable. soaked by some fool’s beer.

6.  hoegaarden tastes best
when ice-cold; add lime for zing,
    add buzz for courage.

7.  good jazz reminds me
of the beauty of liquid
    (eureka moments).

8.  twin towers of light–
        our vestige of yesterday–
            planes will fly through, though.

9.  why even wonder
about the strange ways we die?

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