Vernon Frazer – 2 Poems

Vernon Frazer

2 Poems

Key West Skies

gossamer twilight
impending nightshades clamor

     for sundry
               incendiary artifacts

brooding uncultured glue
asks to crass dismissal of sunset

     streaking skies
     fossilized as memory
     sparks the lot

          where post-triumphal pantries

                                meet intangible rations

Evening Fire

stilted fortuna moon caterwauls
mendacious electric fences

     eclectic parabola
     tune ostentatious gazebos

tactile sombreros request

     tactical pursuits
     as laundry vicars
     ecliptic ascension

moribund shelves trough tatter
clinging wistful hysteria
poppers alert the altered droplets

     vicarious assumption

          past conundrum litigations

irrigating lanterns
as forests of the night
rejoinder crystal speculum

     candor trowels

          enamored masonry glamor

               scowling candles flambee.

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