Travis Purser – Genius

Travis Purser


The naked woman and I step through the open closet door and follow the moonlight to

the secret balcony that’s held together with mortician’s putty. I wear a tinfoil hat to protect

my brainwaves. What we do up here is smoke cigarettes. Lucky Strikes. The glowworm

treating every night as if it’s New Year’s Eve. “When I drink too much whiskey, I can’t

write,” I say. To the naked woman. “The North Korean guards charged with keeping

King Norodom Sihanouk safe enjoy a game of kickfeather.” A do-rag. A dobbin. A pill

of Vicodin. The words strike me as…an electric car hums by. I’m drunk. I’m pulling an

elephant. Calling dogs strawberries. A cat is in the rooftop room. I think about the ending

and try to remain declarative. “Don’t be too quiet in your silence,” she says. “Rock me to


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